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Welcome to WPC Canada Powerlifting

WPC Canada

For lifters - by lifters! The WPCCP is a global affiliate of the World Powerlifting Congress. Our lifter friendly organization offers both tested and untested lifting, as well as Equipped, Classic Raw and Raw categories. We strive to be the golden standard for powerlifting in Canada.

Check out our Meet Calendar to see if there's a meet nearby for you to compete at!


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WPC/AWPC AGM Rule Updates (4 of 4)

The fourth Changes update is changes to the WPC/AWPC classification standards. The old standards were outdated and did not reflect all...

WPC/AWPC AGM Rule Updates (3 of 4)

The third Changes update is the introduction of a new pre meet judges meeting that will be mandatory at all meetings. For Canadian meets...

WPC/AWPC AGM Rule Updates (2 of 4)

The second Changes update concerns a change to the rulebook. Under the section Costume and Personal Equipment, number 10, called...


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